Licensing & Contact


RIghts to Howard's shows are available through third-party licensors and should be requested directly from them. MTI licenses Aladdin JR. , Beauty and the Beast JR., and Aladdin KIDS, which have been specifically created to be performed by kids. They come with a ShowKIT which includes a detailed Director’s Guide, Accompaniment / Guide Vocal CD and Choreography DVD for first time directors.

Little Shop of Horrors (MTI)

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (MTI)

Smile (Samuel French)

Beauty and the Beast (MTI)

Beauty and the Beast JR. (MTI)

The Little Mermaid (MTI)

The Little Mermaid JR.  (MTI)

Aladdin Dual Language Edition (Spanish & English) - (MTI)

Aladdin JR. (MTI)

Aladdin KIDS (MTI)

The Confirmation — Contact

Contact us

This site is maintained by Howard's sister, Sarah Ashman Gillespie, and other collaborators. If you have questions or feedback about the site or other questions about Howard's work, please contact us using the form below. We can't help with licensing and production-related requests. For those, please contact the above companies.  Other rights requests should be directed to:  Jonathon Lomma, at William Morris Endeavor. (